Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28 - Saturday Morning Photo Walk

Took an early morning Saturday photo walk near my home.  Walked several hours up the railroad tracks and through Hidden Creek Golf Course.  Shot a lifebird, Eastern Meadowlark.  It was quite far so this pic is heavily cropped but still looks pretty good.  Enjoy.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 26 - CoronaVirus Week 2

Well, it's week 2 of stay-at-home and social distancing due to COVID-19 concerns.  So, I am trying to stay in my routine so that it won't be horrible when we return to normal operations.  So I am up at 6:30 am and trying to do somethings so today I went for a drive and shot some photos.  I was hoping to get some awesome sunrise photos since the skies were perfectly clear overnight.  Well, that didn't happen as planned, as I approached the riverfront the clouds were already rolling in.  So I shot some pics of the Lewis and Clark bridge and then went bird hunting.  Perrin Park proved particularly productive.  I also visited a hawk's nest I recently discovered but alas it was empty today.  Another hawk's nest from year's past appeared to be trashed and abandoned.  Hope you enjoy this morning's photography efforts.

Lewis and Clark Bridge

Ohio River Sunrise

Utica Methodist Church

Eastern Bluebird (Male)

Male & Female Bluewinged Teals